[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 594: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 650: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1110: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1110: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1110: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 5277: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 5277: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 5277: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3903)
Fórum Xmaker • Firebird 2.5
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Firebird 2.5

Enviado: Janeiro 17th, 2011, 12:01 pm
por Gilberto
Bom Dia,

Estou querendo migrar para do Firebird 1.5 e 2.0 para o 2.5.

O Xmaker está preparado para o Firebird 2.5 ?

Imprime Informática

Re: Firebird 2.5

Enviado: Janeiro 17th, 2011, 9:10 pm
por Suporte

O Xmaker 6.0 trabalha com a versao 2.0

As aplicações Também seguem a mesma versão, mas sendo compativel com a 1.5

Efetuamos vários testes e detectamos inconsistência nas versão 2.5. Alguns bugs das mesma já foram reportados e estamos aguardando por novas releases, não recomendamos o uso por enquanto. Vamos estar submetendo novos testes e estaremos postando os resultados de compatibilidade.
